Esperienze virtuali per il Cultural Heritage: Geguti Palace in Kutaisi


Negli ultimi anni, metodi e processi per la raccolta dei dati hanno subito un miglioramento rapido ed efficace, consentendo lo sviluppo un numero crescente di applicazioni interdisciplinari grazie a un notevole incremento di ricerche specifiche nei settori di ricerca connessi. Recentemente, le tecnologie più comuni sul mercato per l’acquisizione di dati tridimensionali sono basate su immagini (ad esempio SFM, fotogrammetria) o dati strutturate come nuvole di punti acquisite da sensori attivi (ad esempio scanner laser 3D).

Federico Ferrari, architect, is researcher at the University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture, since 2006. He is the coordinator of the DIAPReM research center and Adjunct Professor of Freeform Modelling and Reverse Engineering. Since 1998, he was involved in several national research projects (PRIN and FIRB), as well as European projects. He is author of more than 80 scientific publications on innovative technologies for the valorization and preservation of Cultural Heritage by the use of 3D laser scanning, 3D & BIM modeling, thermography, colorimetry, and spectrophotometry. Since 2010, he is coordinator for research projects focused on Virtual Reality and WebGis/BIM applied to sub-surface utility rediscovery. He is also member of the UID (Italian Union of Drawing).​
Marco Medici, M.Arch. and Ph.D. in Architecture, is research fellow and Adjunct Professor of Freeform Modelling at the University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture. He is collaborator of the DIAPReM-TekneHub research center since 2013, where he has been involved in several research and training projects, as well as technology transfer activities. He developed advanced skills in the digitization of built environment, focusing in particular on BIM modeling applied to Cultural Heritage. On these topics, he took part in international conferences and he is author of national and international scientific papers. In the last years, he’s also developing research activities on web-based technologies, virtual environment and algorithm-aided design for architectural modeling.​