20th century cinematographs in Catania: memory and oblivion of a heritage to be safeguarded


The race to innovate, which has enabled great advances in science, cultural heritage, and other disciplines, has often been the reason behind the abandonment of practices and places that over time have shaped the history of places, traditions, and customs. The loss of the storytelling even of specific parts of our past constitutes the impoverishment and obfuscation of the identity of places that we all identify with. The digital revolution in cinema has involved not only representation in the broad sense of the term, but also the destiny of part of the dedicated historical architectural heritage. The oblivion that encompasses most of the cinemas designed in the 20th century in Catania and its province finds origin in the new sensibility and new styles of expression. The movie theatre, which in the past represented the place of social meeting and exchange, is now an invisible entity. Catania’s architecture, abandoned or converted to other uses (shops, restaurants), is now a heritage to be safeguarded and designated for appropriate uses.